Lee Haney

300 Pound A.I. Arnold Schwarzenegger

The visualization of Arnold Schwarzenegger at a contest-ready weight of 300 pounds might surprise many, but it’s the debate over his height and actual contest weight that truly captivates bodybuilding aficionados. While skepticism surrounds whether […]

Lee Haney

Mike Mentzer vs Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Mike Mentzer: A Tale of Stardom, Intensity, and Iron Will Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mike Mentzer—two names that resonate deeply within the history bodybuilding, yet evoke contrasting images of ambition, identity, and destiny. […]

Lee Haney

Gunnar Rosbo as The Terminator

Gunnar Rosbo as The Terminator: A Bodybuilding Legend in a Sci-Fi Epic Introduction:In an intriguing blend of bodybuilding lore and cinematic fantasy, a new video narrative takes viewers on a journey through time, placing the […]

Mike Mentzer

Mike Mentzer vs The Predator

In the parody video, Mike Mentzer, known for his philosophical approach to bodybuilding and life, takes on the iconic role of the Predator hunter with a twist. Dubbed “The Thinking Man’s Dutch,” this version of […]


  1. I saw Dale guest pose at the 1976 Mr California contest which was questionably won by Kalman Szkalak over David…

  2. Although Schwarzenegger got the look down pretty well, the absolute best fit for the role would have been Oliver Reed.…