Steve Reeves: Vic Tanny’s Over Muscle Beach

Reeves Tannys

Inside Steve Reeves’ Training at Vic Tanny’s Gym

In this revealing video, we explore the training philosophy and routines of bodybuilding icon Steve Reeves during his time at Vic Tanny’s Gym versus Muscle Beach. The video paints a vivid picture of the environment where Reeves honed his physique.

The narrator highlights that despite Muscle Beach’s fame, a remarkable 90% of the the area’s bodybuilders training took place at Vic Tanny’s basement gym. It was there that Reeves meticulously crafted his workouts, utilizing a mix of pulleys, bars, dumbbells, and barbells to suit his structured approach to bodybuilding.

Emphasizing the importance of order and focus, the narrator shares Reeves‘ preference for a distraction-free environment during his workouts. While Reeves was always willing to share his bodybuilding insights, he chose to engage in discussions either before or after his intense training sessions.

Join us in this video to delve deeper into the disciplined and structured training methods that powered Steve Reeves‘ legendary physique.

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 839 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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