Video Notes and Comments:
- This was Jim Haislop‘s last contest.
- Haislop lost to Coe for the overall amateur and was allegedly so disappointed he stopped competing.
- Took place 19th and 20th of September 1969.
- Prejudging was done on the 19th at the Royal Hotel
- Main event was staged at the Victoria Palace
- The place was packed with about 2000 enthusiasts from all over Britain and the continent.
- A “professional” is one who earns the major part of his living in physical culture and doesn’t have any other job. No cash prizes, however.
- Once a bodybuilder competes professionally he cannot return to the amateur ranks.
- Close to 70 competitors vied for the amateur and professional titles.
- 14 judges, most from England but also from France, Belgium, Italy, West Indies, and United Arab Republic.
- Amateur: Franco Columbu won most muscular
- Amateur: Roy Callender won most improved
- Amateur: Boyer Coe won best poser
- Pro Class: 2 divisions, Short and Tall. Up to 5’8″ and over 5’8″.
- Amateur Class: Class #1 over 5 ft. 9 in.
- Amateur Class: Class #2 Over 5 ft. 6 in. and up to 5 ft. 9 in.
- Amateur Class: Class #3 up to 5 ft, 6 in
- Arnold’s Pro Universe win was one week after losing to Sergio Oliva at the 1969 Mr. Olympia contest.
- Pro class: Arnold Schwarzenegger won best poser.
- Adolf Ziegner (Austria) shown in the photo below with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Karl Kainrath (Austria) at the 1969 Mr Europe was 215 pounds at 5’6″.
- Austrians Adolf Ziegner and Karl Kainrath both competed in the amateur division at the NABBA 1969 Mt. Universe
1969 NABBA Amateur Mr. Universe
Overall Winner Boyer Coe
1 Jim Haislop (United States)
2 Frank Richard (England)
3 Karl Kainrath (Austria)
4 Walter O’Malley (Ireland)
5 Helmut Riedmeier (Germany)
6 Norman Rough (Sc)
1 Boyer Coe (United States)
2 Roy Callendar (Barbados)
3 Albert Beckles (Barbados)
4 Lars Lunde (Norway)
5 Elias Petsas (South Africa)
6 Khaled Baynakalar (Lebanon)
1 Franco Columbu (Italy)
2 Adolf Ziegner (Austria)
3 Mohamed Hamdy (Egypt)
4 Michael Baker (1) (England)
5 Kamal Bozan (Syria)
6 Michael Piliotis (England)
Most Muscular
1 Franco Columbu
1969 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe
Overall Winner Arnold Schwarzenegger
1 Arnold Schwarzenegger (Austria)
2 Dennis Tinerino (United States)
3 Serge Nubret (France)
4 John Bubb (England)
1 John Citrone (England)
2 Kassem Yazbek (Syria)
3 Luigi Lodi (Italy)
4 Yves Permal (Guadeloupe)
5 Friedrich Weimer (Germany)
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