Pat Neve

Pat Neve
Pat Neve

Jurassic Gorilla

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Pat Neve’s saga, from humble roots, unfurled in a tough neighborhood. Daily scuffles over lunch money were the norm. A child of Italian immigrants, his family wrestled with finances. A pivotal move to the west side transformed his life.

In this new territory, Pat discovered that athleticism equaled acclaim. Seeking a fight, he found sports. His prowess blossomed, and weightlifting marked his journey into bodybuilding.

Beyond bodybuilding, he ventured into commerce, acquiring a Nissan dealership. An irresistible offer from a dealer with 16 establishments led to its sale, proving wise given shifts in the auto industry.

Pat’s approach to managing employees was hands-on, born from his own rise through the ranks.

Before cars, he founded “Pat Neve’s Fitness Center” after bodybuilding triumphs.

Challenges peppered his bodybuilding path, but unwavering support from his wife buoyed him. Overcoming setbacks, including a truck collision, he claimed the Mr. Universe title.

Pat emphasized persistence, citing a financial turnaround from $500. Transferring bodybuilding principles to business, he believed in accumulating and preserving wealth.

True happiness, he mused, wasn’t solely wealth-derived. Making a positive impact and pursuing aspirations trumped the blind chase for riches.

Pat championed self-motivation and self-competition. Success, he believes, encompasses virtue, making a mark, and professional excellence.

Pat Neve Bodybuilding Competition History

Mr USA – AAU, 11th
Mr Western America – AAU, Winner

Junior Mr America – AAU, 11th
Junior Mr USA – AAU, Most Muscular, 4th
Junior Mr USA – AAU, 5th

Junior Mr USA – AAU, 4th
Mr USA – AAU, Short, 1st
Mr USA – AAU, Overall Winner
Mr USA – AAU, Most Muscular, 2nd

Mr America – AAU, Short, 1st
Mr America – AAU, Most Muscular, 3rd
Mr America – AAU, 3rd

Mr America – AAU, Short, 1st
Mr America – AAU, Most Muscular, 3rd
Pro Mr America – WBBG, 3rd

World Cup Pro Universe – PBBA, 2nd

Pro Mr America – WBBG, Short, 2nd
Pro Mr World – WBBG, 2nd

Mr International – IFBB, MiddleWeight, 7th

Mr America – AAU, MiddleWeight, 5th

Nationals – NPC, MiddleWeight, 2nd

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 820 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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