Arnold Schwarzenegger at Google, Venice

Arnold Schwarzenegger Google
Arnold Schwarzenegger Google

Jurassic Gorilla

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Google: Venice California

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2012 interview at Google’s Venice office to promote his book, “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story,” provided a fascinating insight into the world of bodybuilding, entertainment, and politics. This event was held at Google’s Playa Vista facilities, known for its proximity to significant landmarks like Culver City, Marina Del Rey, and Venice, which all play unique roles in the bodybuilding and fitness culture.

At that time, Google’s acquisition of YouTube studios made Playa Vista a hub for content creators, colloquially referred to as “YouTubers.” They could access various resources such as courses, events, and cutting-edge facilities to enhance their video production skills. Attendees were required to register in advance for these programs, and Google often provided complimentary snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, and occasionally even dinner and alcoholic beverages. This combination of learning, networking, and entertainment attracted various content creators and individuals with diverse backgrounds.

A few miles away, in the coastal neighborhood of Venice, Google’s Los Angeles office stood as a notable landmark. The distinctive binocular-shaped building at 340 Main St. housed both the engineering operations and North American advertising sales teams. Venice’s vibrant and creative atmosphere was fitting for Google’s workspace and contributed to the cultural significance of the area.

During the interview, Arnold Schwarzenegger delved into his life’s influences, revealing the remarkable figures who played pivotal roles in shaping his journey. From the iconic bodybuilder Reg Park to Hollywood producer Dino De Laurentiis, and from influential political strategist Carl Rove to the legendary Senator Ted Kennedy, Schwarzenegger’s narrative spanned across a wide spectrum of experiences and personalities.

What set this interview apart was Arnold’s characteristic charisma and his inclination to seize the moment. In a surprising turn of events, he assumed the role of the interviewer and, without warning, abruptly ended the interview while expressing gratitude to the audience. The video ends shortly thereafter, leaving the viewer with a sense of wonder and perhaps a few questions.

The unexpected conclusion of the interview could be interpreted in various ways. Some might argue that Arnold was merely embracing his spontaneous and candid nature, as he often does in his public appearances. However, others might speculate whether it was an attempt to save face after making a potentially controversial remark, thereby steering the conversation in a different direction.

Regardless of the motive behind this peculiar ending, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s interview at Google’s Venice office offered a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of the man himself. From bodybuilding and entertainment to politics and public speaking, Schwarzenegger’s dynamic persona has left an indelible mark on popular culture. The video, which raised eyebrows and invited debate, serves as a testament to his enduring ability to captivate audiences and keep them guessing. In the world of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the unexpected is always on the horizon, and each new interview is an adventure in its own right.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Google Interview:

0:04 MALE SPEAKER: Our guest today grew up in a small farming
0:06 village in Austria.
0:07 And he turned himself into a bodybuilder who was the
0:10 youngest Mr. Universe ever.
0:12 But he wanted more than that, so he made himself one of the
0:16 biggest movie stars of the ’80s and ’90s.
0:18 He still wanted more than that, so he decided to become
0:21 governor of California.
0:22 And apparently none of that was enough, because he’s just
0:25 now written a book about it all called “Total Recall.”
0:28 Ladies and gentleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
0:35 MALE SPEAKER: So you talk a lot in the book about this
0:36 lake near where you were born.
0:39 It sounds very idyllic.
0:40 You spent your summers there, you started body building
0:43 there, and it’s also where you proposed to Maria Shriver?
0:47 We went back in 1985 and I proposed to her on the lake.
0:54 We went out on with the rowing boat and I
0:57 proposed to her there.
0:58 And I told her that if she says no,
1:00 it’s a very deep lake.
1:01 And so she was delighted to say yes.
1:09 It was a lake where in the winter they had wonderful
1:14 motorcycle races on the ice on the lake.
1:17 They had ice curling champions.
1:19 We had ice skating around the whole lake, and it was wide
1:24 open to go ice skating.
1:25 So it was really a beautiful, wonderful place to grow up at
1:31 a place like this that is literally five
1:33 minutes from my house.
1:35 MALE SPEAKER: And you mentioned getting into body
1:36 building, which turned out to be your ticket out of Austria
1:39 and into world fame.
1:40 What’s really interesting about the book is that I think
1:43 a lot of people fantasize about being famous and having
1:46 an impact on the world.
1:47 For you, it seemed less like dreaming and more like a
1:49 premonition.
1:50 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, it was a dream.
1:52 But it was also–
1:53 I felt like it was the only way to get out of Austria
1:56 because I had this need of coming to America.
1:59 I mean, when I started learning about America at the
2:01 age of 10 because of geography lessons and
2:05 learned about America–
2:09 And so the first photographs I remember in this textbook, but
2:14 also in Super 8 millimeter film footage that they showed
2:17 in the classroom–
2:19 you know, about the Golden Gate Bridge and the Empire
2:21 State Building and the six-lane highways.
2:25 I said, what am I doing here in Austria with
2:27 these little roads?
2:28 I want to go and I want to be part of the big deal.
2:31 And so I had always this desire that felt like the only
2:34 way ever I would get to America, because in those days
2:36 it wasn’t common that you buy yourself a ticket, no one
2:39 could afford that.
2:40 So I had to accomplish something big
2:44 that takes me to America.
2:46 And then when I read about this guy Reg Park who won Mr.
2:50 Universe three times and then became a star in “Hercules”
2:54 movies, and then was in Italy filming, and then in Hollywood
2:58 filming, I felt that could be the ticket.
3:01 I should become Mr. Universe, I should become
3:03 a second Reg Park.
3:04 Of course, no one really bought into that.
3:07 My parents thought I was totally . insane.
3:09 And I remember that I hung up pictures above my bed for
3:18 inspiration–
3:19 pictures of Reg Park in his posing trunks and all that.
3:22 And my mother was so concerned, she called the
3:25 local doctor and she had him analyze the wall.
3:28 Because she thought that there’s something terribly
3:31 wrong that I have naked men above my bed and all of my
3:36 buddies had women hanging above their bed and so she was
3:39 concerned about that.
3:41 But I think that my parents really thought that there was
3:44 something terribly wrong of being that driven.
3:47 Because I would come home at lunchtime and instead of
3:50 having lunch, I would do 200 sit-ups.
3:52 And at night, I will go to the stadium and I
3:54 will be lifting weights.
3:55 I will come home at 10:00 at night and I be continually
3:57 lifting weights.
3:58 So it was like one of these insanity in the military, I
4:01 will continue lifting weights.
4:02 No matter how the training was and how tough the basic
4:06 training was, I would always then lift weights afterwards.
4:09 And as a tank driver would have on the side of the tank
4:12 in the toolbox, I would have my weights, my barbells, my
4:16 dumbbells, and my exercise bench, and everything there.
4:20 In order to be, at any given time, if we stopped driving
4:23 the tank and maneuvers.
4:24 At 2:00 in the morning, I will be able to pull out my weights
4:27 and again lift for two hours my weights.
4:29 I was really a fanatic about the whole thing.
4:32 But it’s the only way you really
4:34 get the way I succeeded.
4:37 Because I became at the age of 20 the youngest Mr. Universe
4:42 in London in the history of bodybuilding.
4:45 Because the youngest before then was Reg Park, the guy I
4:47 was talking about, at the age of 24.
4:50 But I became the youngest at 20, but it was because I was
4:53 so serious about the whole thing.
4:55 And it worked, by the age of 21, after I won my second Mr.
4:58 Universe title, I got an invitation from Joe Weider who
5:02 was the publisher of all the muscle magazines in America
5:06 and also the person that had the biggest warehouses of
5:09 weight training equipment, and had food supplement companies
5:12 and all this.
5:13 And he brought me to America, and so there I was.
5:16 Six years after my dream started, I was in America.
5:21 And I was training right here, not far away from here on
5:24 Pacific Avenue at Gold’s Gym.
5:26 Now Gold’s Gym is on the other side, over here
5:28 in this huge gym.
5:29 But then it was only like a 5,000 square foot place, and
5:33 all the top bodybuilders from around the
5:35 world trained there.
5:35 So I was able to come over and train right there
5:38 with the top champions.
5:39 This was the mecca of bodybuilding then already.
5:42 And I said in Hollywood that I wanted to be a leading man,
5:44 everyone laughed.
5:45 Because they said wait a minute, with your body, are
5:48 you out of your mind?
5:49 Look at the way you look–
5:50 250 pounds, you look like a monster.
5:52 I mean, what kind of actress will want to work with you?
5:55 And “Hercules” movies were in 20 years ago.
5:58 But now it’s people like Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino,
6:01 little guys.
6:03 I mean, Woody Allen–
6:04 those are the new sex symbols, not you.
6:06 I mean, look at your body.
6:07 And so they said you would never make it.
6:10 And then your name, Schwartzenschnitzel or
6:12 whatever the name is, it would never happen.
6:15 And with your accent, it’s so thick you could use a sword
6:19 and cut through that accent.
6:22 So it was a negative attitude right off the top, even though
6:25 America’s normally a positive place.
6:28 But they looked at me they said, no,
6:30 it will never happen.
6:31 So I kind of worked my way up with pure will and force.
6:35 Again, I saw very clearly the vision that I could be another
6:39 Clint Eastwood, or Charles Bronson, or Warren Beatty, or
6:42 any of those guys.
6:43 And they always said the ladder is empty up there.
6:46 There’s three guys that can be on top.
6:48 And I said, well, if it’s empty, then there’s room for
6:51 another one and so I was determined.
6:53 And by 1975, I remember that Bob Rafelson who did “Five
6:59 Easy Pieces” and “Easy Rider” and those
7:00 movies with Jack Nicholson.
7:03 He came to me and says, I want to do the movie “Stay Hungry.”
7:07 And I want you and Sally Fields and Jeff Bridges star
7:11 in the movie.
7:13 I said to myself, man, with this director, I have it made.
7:16 And right after that we did “Pumping Iron.” And right
7:18 after that we did “Streets of San Francisco,” guest starred.
7:21 And then “The Villain” with Kirk Douglas and Ann-Margret.
7:24 And then Ed Pressman came to me and said, I just bought the
7:27 “Conan” rights from the Robert E Howard Estate, and I’m going
7:33 to do “Conan.” And I’m going to lock you in for five movies
7:37 to do “Conan the Barbarian,” and “Conan the Destroyer,” and
7:40 “King Conan” and all those movies.
7:42 And I signed the deal with him.
7:44 So I had it made.
7:46 I mean, there I was in 1980 doing “Conan the Barbarian”
7:51 with Universal Studios.
7:52 Dino De Laurentiis producing, Ed Pressman producing, Oliver
7:56 Stone has written the script, and John Milius rewrote the
8:00 script and then directed it.
8:02 So my plan worked again.
8:05 It was really amazing that there was $250,000 I got for
8:10 the first move, the next one $1 million.
8:12 And from then on it went very quickly, $5 million a movie,
8:15 $10 million a movie, $15 million.
8:17 And in the end I got $30 million a movie.
8:19 And I was laughing– you know, there’s a saying, he who
8:21 laughs the last, laughs the best?
8:23 Well, I was laughing the last.
8:25 Because every one of the schmucks that said you’ll
8:26 never make it, they were looking as if, wait a minute,
8:29 what happened here?
8:30 We thought that we knew the business, but they didn’t.
8:33 So there is always room for something a little bit odd and
8:37 extraordinary.
8:38 MALE SPEAKER: There’s another great story in the book where
8:40 you had an early meeting with Dino De Laurentiis and it
8:42 didn’t go so well.
8:43 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, that was different because
8:45 Dino De Laurentiis had an office and he wanted me to be
8:47 in “Doc Savage.” And he wanted me to play the villain in “Doc
8:51 Savage.” And I walked in, and I always kind of have a mouth
8:58 that sometimes goes a little bit too fast
9:01 and I step on myself.
9:05 I walked into the office and I saw Dino
9:07 standing behind his desk.
9:09 And it was this huge desk, ornate, gold and kind of like
9:13 French looking or Italian looking, I don’t know what.
9:16 But it was gigantic, it was one of those partner desks.
9:19 And Dino, the only thing that stood out was his chest and
9:23 his head because he’s a little guy.
9:25 Dino’s a really short guy.
9:26 So I walked into his office and I looked and I said hi,
9:30 Dino, why does a little guy like you need such a big desk?
9:37 And to Dino De Laurentiis you never say, you’re little.
9:41 Because he saw himself as a giant.
9:44 So he looked at me and he says, ah, Schwarzenegger, you
9:48 have an accent, I cannot use you, ah.
9:54 And I said, again, stupidly, who is talking
9:59 about having an accent?
9:59 I mean, listen to you.
10:03 Ah, are you a Nazi?
10:05 Ah!
10:07 He walked away because I had a German accent.
10:09 So that was the end of that.
10:11 So I left the office and my agent came up to me.
10:15 He grabbed me really forcefully by my arm and he
10:17 said to me, I’ve been an agent for 15 years.
10:22 This meeting was exactly one minute and 14 seconds.
10:25 It was the shortest meeting we’ve ever had.
10:27 You just fucked everything up.
10:29 God damn it, it took me months to get in here.
10:32 So he was mad at me also.
10:33 So anyways, that’s how the relationship
10:36 started with Dino.
10:38 But then when he bought Conan, he came to Spain
10:42 where we were shooting.
10:43 And the third day of filming after he saw the dailies, the
10:47 footage that we had filmed, he came up to me and he said,
10:49 hey, Schwarzenegger, you are Conan, ah.
10:54 And he walked off.
10:56 And Milius came to me, the director, and he says, this is
10:59 the greatest compliment that you can ever get.
11:01 He said, you’re Conan, isn’t that great?
11:03 And I said, I guess so.
11:04 And from that point on, we created this really great
11:07 relationship.
11:08 And we did movies together and “The Raw Deal” and then “Red
11:11 Sonja” and “Conan the Destroyer” and “Conan the
11:14 Barbarian.”
11:15 And he became kind of like a father figure.
11:19 He became kind of the Reg Park that I had in the bodybuilding
11:23 world and Joe Weider, he became that character in the
11:27 movie world that I could go to for anything.
11:29 Who would give me advice.
11:31 Who always had wonderful compliments and kind of took
11:34 me in as part of his family.
11:37 And so that’s why I always will miss him very dearly
11:39 after he passed away.
11:41 MALE SPEAKER: One of the interesting things in the book
11:43 is just the way people were dismissing you when you wanted
11:45 to be a movie star, then you decide you
11:47 want to get into politics.
11:48 And there’s a great story about meeting with Karl Rove,
11:51 and Karl Rove kind of dismissing you.
11:52 So tell us about that.
11:53 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: I have to say, I always loved it when
11:55 people looked at me and felt like he will never be able to
12:01 pull it off.
12:02 And kind of short-changed me in a way.
12:07 Because then the expectations are low and then you surprise
12:11 people when you do pull it off.
12:13 So Karl Rove, who I’m sure everyone knows, is the expert
12:19 and was kind of single-handedly responsible
12:22 for getting George Bush elected.
12:23 Masterminding and mapping out the whole strategy for the
12:27 United States.
12:27 Every single state, what state they had to win, what state
12:30 they could afford losing and on and on and on.
12:33 He was like the mastermind behind it.
12:34 And he was then, George Bush now was elected, this was
12:39 2003, and we were back in Washington to do a White House
12:44 summit on after school programs.
12:47 Which the president believed in very strongly, and everyone
12:50 on his staff, including Karl Rove.
12:52 And then afterwards, I went over because after school
12:55 programs always has been my passion and we have our own
12:58 programs nationwide, they’re our foundation and
13:01 organization.
13:02 And afterwards, I went over to the White House to just say,
13:04 out of courtesy, hi to Karl Rove, how are you doing?
13:07 Blah, blah, blah.
13:08 And I said to him, so what do you think about the recall in
13:11 California?
13:12 I said they’re talking about the recall–
13:15 this was now May, it didn’t happen yet.
13:18 And they were gathering signatures at that time to
13:20 have a recall.
13:22 And he said ah, California is insane.
13:24 Those people are crazy out there.
13:26 I mean, I don’t know what to make of that state, to be
13:28 honest with you.
13:29 He says, that recall will never happen, but are you
13:33 asking because you’re interested in the
13:35 governorship?
13:35 So of course I was but I didn’t want to tell him that.
13:39 I always wanted to keep that a secret and just come out like
13:42 a blitzkrieg and attack.
13:45 And so I said, no, no, no, no.
13:47 I said, look, I have nothing–
13:48 it’s just my own curiosity.
13:50 And he said to me, well, just if you’re interested in the
13:53 governorship, why don’t you comes downstairs.
13:55 And I saw him working on this texting and all this.
14:01 So we went downstairs from his office which was upstairs in
14:04 the White House.
14:04 We went downstairs and there was the hall that goes to the
14:07 Oval Office.
14:08 And out of the Oval Office came Condoleezza Rice and she
14:13 was the Secretary of State.
14:15 She came out and she came towards us smiling, and Karl
14:19 Rove said, hey Condi, how are you?
14:21 And Condoleezza Rice said, hey Karl, how are you?
14:26 And the hugs and kisses and the whole thing.
14:29 I was standing there and then he says, oh, Arnold, if you
14:34 want to run for governor, this woman Condi, she’s going to
14:39 run in 2006.
14:40 Forget the recall in 2003, there will be
14:43 no recall by then.
14:43 2006, she’s our bet.
14:46 We support her 100%.
14:49 She will be the next governor of the state of California.
14:52 And she was clearly embarrassed, because she did
14:56 not know that she was set up to play this role right now.
15:01 And she kind of smiled and, no, no, Karl–
15:03 [CHUCKLE].
15:07 The whole thing.
15:07 And he says, no, no, come on, Condi, you tell him.
15:11 I mean, you’ll be right there and there will be the debates,
15:13 I can see already you two debating, it’s
15:16 going to be a show.
15:16 Anyway, Arnold, look, have a good time.
15:19 I just wanted you to meet each other, OK?
15:22 And that was it.
15:23 And then, of course, a few months later, I was just
15:27 promoting my movie “Terminator 3” worldwide.
15:29 And all of a sudden I read that the people handed in
15:33 enough signatures and the recall is going to happen.
15:37 So when I came back from my “Conan 3” promotion, the
15:42 recall was going to happen and there was like one week to
15:46 sign up and to register if you want to go and run.
15:50 And out of nowhere, 135 people registered to run for governor
15:55 of the state of California–
15:57 I mean, total lunatics.
15:58 So I was the most normal person of that bunch, just to
16:01 show you how crazy it was.
16:03 And of course, two months later, I sign up to run.
16:09 And two months later, I was governor of the state of
16:10 California.
16:12 And Karl Rove, he must have gone nuts.
16:19 Because when the president came out literally a few weeks
16:23 afterwards during the transition period, he met with
16:27 me down at Inland Empire at the Mission Inn.
16:30 And he said to me, he says, hey Arnold, can
16:33 I talk to you alone?
16:35 And I said sure, you’re the president.
16:40 So I went into his room at the Mission Inn, and
16:44 Karl Rove was there.
16:46 And he said to Karl, he says, Karl, do you mind?
16:49 And Karl says, no, no.
16:51 He left the room, closed the door.
16:53 And he said to me, he says, I know you hate him.
16:57 I know, because he didn’t support you as governor, I
17:00 know you don’t like him.
17:01 And I said, Mr. President, I just want to
17:04 make one thing clear.
17:05 I said, California needs a lot of help.
17:09 I said, we need to work together.
17:11 So I said, my thing with Karl Rove has nothing to do with
17:14 that at all.
17:15 I said, that’s forgotten a long time ago, because
17:17 remember who won governorship.
17:18 It was not Condoleezza Rice, it was me.
17:20 So I said, to me this whole thing was perfectly fine.
17:23 I said, we’re going to work together and we’re going to
17:26 make California shine again.
17:28 He says, oh, thank you so much.
17:30 He opened the door, he says, Karl, you can come
17:32 in, he likes you.
17:33 So it was great.
17:35 And Karl Rove came back in, and the hugging and the
17:38 kissing and all that stuff.
17:41 So it was great.
17:42 MALE SPEAKER: In both your body building career, your
17:44 movie career and your political career is this
17:46 notion of reps.
17:47 And there’s a great picture toward the end of the book of
17:49 a speech that you gave.
17:50 And it’s just got all these little lines across the top,
17:52 and you explained that each line is one time you did a rep
17:54 of the speech, one time you practiced the speech.
17:57 So talk a little bit about how you got where
17:58 you are through reps.
17:59 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, in body building and in
18:01 lifting, you know that it’s all about reps.
18:04 But you learn very quickly that that’s in everything in
18:07 life, it’s all about reps.
18:08 The more you practice something, the better you get.
18:11 If it is skiing, if it is practice a poem, if it is
18:15 practice in your job here.
18:18 Whatever it is, it’s all about mileage and it’s all about
18:21 reps and there’s no shortcut.
18:23 And if you ever look for the shortcut or for getting around
18:29 and finding some easier way, you’re fooling yourself.
18:33 Because in the end, it’s always the people that are
18:35 willing to work the hardest, and that are willing to get in
18:38 the trenches, and to do the reps, and to work hard.
18:41 And to look at the day, like I’ve written in the book, that
18:45 the day is 24 hours.
18:47 Six hours we sleep, so you have left 18 hours.
18:52 So don’t ever give me this thing that, oh my god, I’m
18:55 working 12 hours and I don’t have time to
18:57 exercise and to work out.
18:58 Or I don’t have time to study another language and all this
19:01 kind of thing.
19:02 You have 18 hours, and so utilize the 18 hours well.
19:08 And that’s really what I always believed in, and I feel
19:12 like that that’s the only way you can get ahead.
19:14 If you have a very clear vision where you want to go,
19:17 and if you’re willing to put the work in no matter what it
19:20 takes to get there and to turn this vision into reality, we
19:24 can accomplish basically anything you want.
19:27 Because you are in the right place.
19:28 America is a place that does not hold you back, it gives
19:32 you all the opportunities in the world,
19:34 I’ve seen that firsthand.
19:36 None of the things that I’ve accomplished I would have been
19:39 able to do if it wouldn’t be for America.
19:41 So you are in the best place in the world.
19:43 You maybe don’t like everything.
19:45 You maybe don’t like that they are getting stuck in politics
19:48 and in Washington they can’t get anything done right now
19:50 and all those things.
19:51 You maybe don’t like that, you maybe don’t like Romney, you
19:54 maybe don’t like Obama, or whatever it is.
19:56 But you are in the best place in the world.
19:59 There’s no two ways about that.
20:00 I’ve been all over the world.
20:02 And so therefore, there’s no excuse for you not to make it
20:06 and to accomplish your goal.
20:07 So that’s what I talk about in the book is it’s all about the
20:10 determination, the fire in the belly, and the will.
20:14 Because in the end, the will will conquer all.
20:17 That’s the bottom line.
20:19 MALE SPEAKER: I know you’ve got another appointment you
20:21 need to run off to.
20:21 But there’s one last story in the book that I
20:24 need to touch on.
20:24 Because to me, it was the most fascinating nugget in there.
20:27 In “The Terminator” you have a very, very famous line.
20:30 May be your most famous line ever.
20:32 But you explained that when you were learning English, you
20:33 didn’t understand contractions, you hated them.
20:36 So you thought the line should be said differently than it
20:38 was written.
20:39 So how would that line have sounded if
20:40 you’d gotten your way?
20:42 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: I will be back.
20:47 I was as wrong as anyone can be.
20:50 I was arguing with Jim Cameron.
20:56 Jim Cameron wrote the script, and so that’s
20:59 mistake number one.
21:00 You never tell a writer that you want to change his lines.
21:04 And we had a battle when we shot this scene.
21:08 I said, look, I just think it sounds funny when I say “I’ll
21:12 be back.” I’ll–
21:16 it’s weird when I say that.
21:19 And he said to me, he says, look Arnold, let’s shoot it 10
21:23 different ways.
21:25 Let’s not get hung up on should you say it or not,
21:27 because you are going to say it.
21:29 Because I wrote it.
21:31 And I don’t tell you how to act and you don’t tell me how
21:33 to write, so let’s just move forward.
21:35 Let’s just shoot it 10 different ways.
21:37So that’s how Jim and I always talk, kind of straightforward.
21:40 And we shot it 10 different ways–
21:44 close-ups, medium shots, long shots, zoom-in shots, and
21:49 everything you can think of.
21:52 By the time I did say it like 50 times, we did all the
21:56 different takes and shots, it sounded right to me.
21:59 It sounded strong to me.
22:01 Because it just didn’t feel like it was strong enough and
22:04 machine-like enough.
22:06 And in the end when I saw it in the film, I was happy that
22:11 he convinced me to say it that way.
22:14 And when you say a line like that, you never know if that’s
22:17 the line that becomes the most famous line
22:21 in the movie history.
22:22 And it just was voted as number one
22:24 line in movie history.
22:26 You don’t know that.
22:27 I didn’t even know it was anything special at all.
22:30 Only when I promoted the film, and I remember I was in New
22:33 York and I had people coming up to me on the street and
22:37 saying to me, he says, say it.
22:42 And I said, say what?
22:43 They say, the line!
22:46 The line from “Terminator.” And I said, which one?
22:49 Oh, come on.
22:50 You know, “I’ll be back” line.
22:52 I said, OK, I’ll be back.
22:53 No, no, no, just the way you say it in the movie.
22:56 And then I will say, “I’ll be back.” Yeah, yeah, yeah,
23:00 that’s the one.
23:01 So I realized then, jeez, what did we create?
23:04 A monster there or something like that?
23:05 It was like a big surprise to me that it
23:08 became such a big hit.
23:09 And it became bigger as time went on
23:12 and the rest is history.
23:13 So since then, people have been writing lines because
23:18 they think I know how to deliver them.
23:21 In the meantime, it was Cameron just standing there
23:23 and saying OK, let’s do it 20 different ways and you’ve got
23:25 to say it exactly that way and all that stuff.
23:27 But it has worked and now there’s the lines “Hasta la
23:30 vista, baby” and “I lied” and “Fuck you, asshole,” and all
23:34 those kind of things.
23:35 They all became kind of big lines.
23:37 Even though those lines someone else said many
23:39 times before me.
23:40 But just the way I say it I think they
23:42 become kind of something.
23:44 And so it’s great.
23:46 It has been great to be a part of this movie business.
23:49 And it’s also been great that I was able to make the
23:54 decision to run for governor.
23:55 And to take seven years out of my life and to do that and to
23:59 be a public servant.
24:00 There’s nothing more satisfying, especially as an
24:02 immigrant, to do that.
24:04 And then after it’s over not to be a career politician, but
24:09 to just step back and say I go back again what I did
24:13 originally.
24:14 And now I have a great time doing again the acting.
24:16 I’ve done four movies since I finished my governorship.
24:20 But I continue on with policy.
24:23 That’s why I started the Schwarzenegger
24:25 Institute at USC.
24:27 Where we will continue talking about the environmental
24:29 issues, stem cell research, the importance of that.
24:34 And stimulating the economy, rebuilding our infrastructure,
24:38 and also job creation.
24:41 And good government practice like we did redistricting
24:44 reform during my
24:45 administration and open primaries.
24:48 We want to continue that way.
24:50 How do we go and provide a better system for the people
24:52 so politicians become more and more public servants rather
24:59 than party servants?
25:00 How do we bring both of the parties together?
25:03 And they don’t have to get along, I’m
25:05 not asking for that.
25:06 They should have their own
25:07 philosophies, they should disagree.
25:09 But how do you go and say in the end, we got to do the
25:11 people’s work, so we got to compromise.
25:14 And then come up with a way of compromising, just like Ronald
25:17 Reagan did, or as Bill Clinton did in many of his policies.
25:22 There’s a way of doing it and some people
25:24 hit the sweet spot.
25:25 Today, it’s not happening, and that’s why we have no
25:28 immigration policy that is a coherent one.
25:31 We have no trade policy that’s really good.
25:33 We don’t have an infrastructure policy where we
25:36 really spend, again, 4% or 5% of our GDP on infrastructure.
25:41 Our health care policy is in a shamble, and we are spending
25:44 more and more money on that.
25:46 So all of those things need to be fixed.
25:48 And unless both of the parties work together, we
25:51 will not fix them.
25:52 And America is going to suffer because of it.
25:54 MALE SPEAKER: There’s another great story in the book where
25:57 you decide to run for governor and Teddy Kennedy ends up
26:01 giving you advice.
26:01 And he explains that he can’t come and endorse you, but he
26:03 ends up not campaigning against the recall election.
26:06 What was the advice he gave you?
26:07 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I think my mother-in-law would
26:09 have bitten his head off if he would have
26:11 campaigned against me.
26:13 Because she really thought the world of me and she thought it
26:17 was great that I jumped into the race.
26:19 And even though I was a Republican, she wrote a check
26:23 for $23,000.
26:25 And she told me never to tell anyone because she never gave
26:28 Teddy any money.
26:29 I mean, he ran for senate and for president, but she gave me
26:32 a big check.
26:34 But I think that Teddy was a terrific guy.
26:40 And he was a very talented senator.
26:44 And when they ask him and told him that I don’t want to jump
26:48 into the world that he’s in, into the political arena.
26:51 That I know everything about entertainment and sports and
26:54 so, but not as much about politics as he does since he
26:58 has been involved in that his whole life.
27:00 Is there any point, if there’s one point that you could make,
27:05 what would that be?
27:07 And he said to me, Arnold, when you go into the race,
27:11 never get into details.
27:14 And I looked at him and I said, why do you say that?
27:17 Because I just don’t know much about the details or what?
27:20 He says, no.
27:21 He says, I am smarter about health care than
27:25 anyone on the hill.
27:27 He says, I had a four hour hearing where we debated and
27:32 discussed health care reform into the minute details.
27:38 And when I came out of the chamber after the four hours,
27:41 the press ran after me and says, well, senator, when can
27:44 we hear the specifics?
27:46 When can we hear about the details?
27:49 So he says you can never satisfy them.
27:52 They always will ask you for the details.
27:54 And the reason is because they hope the more you go into
27:57 details, that you will eventually trip up.
28:00 And you will make one mistake or say something wrong, and
28:03 that’s when they attack.
28:04 He said, that’s the way it works.
28:06 So don’t even get in there.
28:07 Just tell them, he says, I will let
28:09 you know early enough.
28:11 They will complain and they will say he’s not giving us
28:14 the details.
28:15 But that’s OK, at least you didn’t trip up, and at least
28:18 they didn’t trick you into saying something wrong.
28:20 He says, so keep saying you will get the specifics, we
28:23 will make the official announcements very soon.
28:26 And you’re going to be part of it, and you’ll be the first
28:29 one to know as soon as I have the details.
28:30 And all this stuff he says.
28:32 And by that time, you win, and you move on.
28:35 And so that’s exactly what I did.
28:37 And so I was successful, exactly.
28:39 So anyway, thank you very much all of you for listening.
28:42 I really appreciate it, and I’ll be back.
28:44 Thank you.

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 820 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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