Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Incredible Hulk, and the Most Muscular Pose

built report arnold schwarzenegger most muscular pose

Jurassic Gorilla

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arnold schwarzenegger 1974
Arnold Schwarzenegger

To the right is Arnold Schwarzenegger, around 1974, doing what is known in bodybuilding as “the most muscular” pose or “the crab” pose because the arms are positioned like a crab’s front “arms”/claws. Arnold had, perhaps, the best most muscular of his day but is there another bodybuilder who brought the most muscular pose into even more prominence and before the widest audience? Yes, that would have to be Lou Ferrigno in his role of The Incredible Hulk. Sometimes when the Hulk exhibited rage he would just hit a Most Muscular pose and growl.

According to Wikipedia:

Arnold Schwarzenegger auditioned for the role of the Hulk but was rejected due to his inadequate height, according to Kenneth Johnson(Executive Producer) in his commentary on The Incredible Hulk – Original Television Premiere DVD release.

7’2″ Richard Kiel, best known for his role as Jaws in the James Bond franchise, was hired to play the Hulk but was replaced when the producers wised up and put a 6’5″ bodybuilder named Lou Ferrigno in the role. A brief shot of Richard Kiel remains in the Pilot episode and you can see Richard Kiel as the Hulk below. Actually, he doesn’t look too bad there, and his hand looks thick like the comic book’s depiction of the Hulk. Who knows, maybe he could have pumped some iron and pulled off the part.

Due to Lou Ferrigno’s aggressive posturing as a Marvel character, the most muscular or crab pose is also known as “The Hulk Pose”.

richard kiel hulk
Actor Richard Kiel Pre- Ferrigno as “The Incredible Hulk”
About Yegor Khzokhlachev 821 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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