Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com
For most of the year Arnold Schwarzenegger worked out 6 days a week with a Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday split routine. Sometimes Arnold would superset Chest and Back. The workout went as follows:
Bench Press warm up…… 1 set 15 reps
Bench press…………. 7 sets 12 reps
Incline Bench……….. 5 sets 12 reps
Flat Bench Flyes…….. 12-12-10-10-8
Dips ………………..12-12-10-8-6
Dumbbell Pullovers…….15-12-12-10Back
Wide-Grip Chins……….15-12-10-8-8
Close-Grip Chins………12-10-8-8
T-Bar Rows……………12-12-10-10
Bent Barbell Rows……..12-12-10-10
Seated Cable Rows……..12-12-10-10Calves
Donkey Calf Raises…….4 sets 15 reps
Standing Calf Raises…..4 sets 15 reps
Seated Calf Raises…….4 sets 15 repsThighs
Squats Warm up…………1 set 15 reps
Squats ……………….12-10-8-8-6
Front Squats…………..12-10-10-8
Hack Squats……………12-10-8-6
Leg Curls……………..4 sets of 10 reps
supersetted with
Stiff Leg Deadlift……..4 sets of 10 repsAbs
Roman Chair Crunches……4 sets of 25 reps
Seated Leg Tucks……….4 sets of 25 reps
Seated Military Presses to the Back Warm up…..1 set 25 reps
Seated Military Presses to the Back………………….12-10-8-8
Lateral Raise……………………………………..12-12-10-8
Seated Smith Machine Presses………………………..12-10-10-8
Bent Lateral Raises………………………………..12-12-10-8
Upright Rows………………………………………12-10-10-8Arms
Barbell Curls……………………………………..4 sets 10-12 reps
supersetted with
Lying Triceps Extensions……………………………4 sets 10-12 repsAlternate Dumbbell Curls……………………………4 sets 10-12 reps
supersetted with
Pushdowns…………………………………………4 sets 10-12 repsSeated Incline Curls……………………………….4 sets 10-12 reps
supersetted with
Kneeling Rope Extensions……………………………4 sets 10-12 repsConcenration Curls…………………………………4 sets 10-12 reps
supersetted with
Seated One Arm Extensions…………………………..4 sets 10-12 repsBench Dips Drop Sets………………………………………..3 45 pound weights on lap till burnout
Bench Dips Drop Sets………………………………………..2 45 pound weights on lap till burnout
Bench Dips Drop Sets………………………………………..1 45 pound weights on lap till burnout
Bench Dips Drop Sets………………………………………..0 45 pound weights on lap till burnout
Usually totaling 26 repetitionsAbs
Roman Chair Situps………………………………………….10 minutes
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