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I’ve never understood bodyweights as they relate to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Comedian Louis C. K., at a little less than six feet tall, admits to weighing 240 pounds. Yet, Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposedly as low as 225 in one of his contests at a given height of 6′ 2″. How can Louis C. K. outweigh Arnold Schwarzenegger? I don’t care if C. K. is a little fat. He’s not that fat. It makes no sense.
Bodybuilder King Kamili recently posted a photo of himself in which he describes his body weight as 283. Kamali is listed on Wikipedia as being 5’10”. Look at the accompanying photos and tell me how King Kamali, at four inches shorter than Arnold Schwarzenegger, outweighs him by a whopping 43 pounds. In that particular photos, Kamali doesn’t look like he’s carrying a whole lot of fat either although he is clearly not in contest condition. A substantial percentage of that 43 pounds would have to be muscle. Imagine how much bigger you’d look if you woke up 43 pounds bigger. And don’t tell me that Arnold had skinny legs. His calves were bigger than Kamali’s and his thighs were pretty big as well but they were in proportion to his body instead of being ridiculously out of proportion, which is a current trend in bodybuilding.
It all goes to show that body weight doesn’t matter. Are girls physically attracted to you because of your body weight or do they go by how you look? I rest my case. You may judge yourself by your body weight but no one else does.
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