Rare Arnold Schwarzenegger Photos Part 2

Rare Arnold Photos 2

Chet Yorton on Arnold: I beat this young kid in the NABBA Mr. Universe contest in ‘66. He was very subdued. He needed an interpreter because he spoke very little English. He followed me around like a puppy dog backstage. He wanted to know what to do for his calves, what to do for this and that. He came in second to me, but at 20 years old you could tell he was unbelievable. When I came back to Gold’s I told everybody, “You’re not going to believe this guy Arnold Schwarzenegger.” I knew then.

Frank Zane on Arnold: I won Mr. America in September of ‘68. A week later was the IFBB Mr. Universe in Miami. Arnold was there. He’d just come over to the States. He was white, smooth, didn’t pose well, had missing body parts, couldn’t speak any English. I beat him, and he took it real hard. But Joe Weider immediately fell in love with Arnold and whisked him off to California, where he was moving his business empire. Arnold got a Volkswagen, paid apartment, free supplements, couple hundred bucks a week. From Joe Weider, that was pretty amazing.

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 839 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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