Rich Piana, Bodybuilder or Body Modifier

Rich Piana
Rich Piana

Jurassic Gorilla

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Watch our Rich Piana documentary:

Is Rich Piana a hybrid between bodybuilder and body-modifier?

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 837 Articles
Gorilla at Large


  1. I liked Rich Piana… He had much more on the ball as a human being than pretty much every other IFBB ‘pro’. Humble and kindly. But of course he effed himself up as we knew he would. He did not use plastic surgery on his bodyparts… He used actual PLASTIC !!! As Palumbo described him, ‘Rich is more of a WWE guy than an IFBB guy. Sad that he is gone.

    • I agree. To me, characters like Piana, Palumbo, and Valentino are a lot more interesting than the “pros”, regardless of their idiosyncrasies.

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