Ronnie Coleman Ice Cream Challenge

Ronnie Coleman Ice Cream Challenge
Ronnie Coleman Ice Cream Challenge

Jurassic Gorilla

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Ronnie Coleman, Derek Ciocca, and Marc Lobliner compete to see who can eat 18 scoops of ice cream in the shortest amount of time.

No one ate all 18 scoops. However, the ranking in order of amount eaten within a certain time limit was:

1: Marc Lobliner
2: Derek Ciocca
3: Ronnie Coleman

Add Ronnie Coleman to the list of bodybuilders who have played the Hulk.

Derek Ciocca, Ronnie Coleman, and Mark Lobliner
Derek Ciocca, Ronnie Coleman, and Mark Lobliner
About Yegor Khzokhlachev 834 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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