World’s Tallest Bodybuilder: Olivier Richters

Olivier Richters with Berry De Mey
Olivier Richters with Berry De Mey

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Olivier Richters Stats

Name: Olivier ‘Scoobz0r/Dutch Giant’ Richters
Country: The Netherlands
Date of birth: 05-09-1989
Length: 2.18m / 7.2ft
Start year: 2007
Start weight: 85kg / 187lbs
Current year: 2013
Current weight: 136kg / 300lbs
Goal: 150kg / 330lbs
Armsize: 48cm/18,9inch

Olivier Richters Q & A

Are your parents tall?
Father: 2.00meter/6.56ft
Mother: 1.76meter/5.77ft
Brother: 2.04meter/6.69ft

What shoe size do you have?

Are you natty?
Currently, yes, I am. I do not know yet if I will be so in the future. Depends on how far I can still push my body. Regardless of whether I will be so in the future: please do not ask me about it, since the business/future I want to continue in will not allow it.

Why don’t you play basketball.
I have played basketball from the age of 14 to 17. But it wasn’t for me: I didn’t love the sport enough to want to make it my life.

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