Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com
In the year 2003, movie theaters were transformed into a battleground of green rage with the release of Ang Lee’s “Hulk.” While fans were engrossed in the spectacle of CGI muscle and fury, an intriguing […]
Imagine this: It’s 1979, and Lee Kramer, a Hollywood producer and talent manager, has a dream so big it feels like it could redefine cinema. His vision? To create a groundbreaking rock opera based on […]
Did Arnold Schwarzenegger’s pal and former Mr. Olympia Franco Columbu ruin Sylvester Stallone’s famous symmetry? At the time, Stallone and Schwarzenegger were rivals. Yet, Stallone made an unexpected move when he hired Arnold’s close friend, […]
Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com From Robot Woman To Rosie the Riveter I was reading an article on Japan’s robot revolution where they where talking about a beautiful and intelligent robot they call Erica who is leading their robot […]
Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com Siri Bjørkesett: From Trondheim to the World of Beach Volleyball Siri Bjørkesett, born on September 2, 1983, in Trondheim, Norway, made a name for herself as a talented beach volleyball player hailing […]
Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com Since when does showcasing a fit woman in an advertisement equate to an act of hate? Since when did the concept of free speech transform into a symbol of oppression? Since when […]
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