A.I Lou Ferrigno, Franco Columbu, and Frank Zane

Lee Haney
300 Pound A.I. Arnold Schwarzenegger
The visualization of Arnold Schwarzenegger at a contest-ready weight of 300 pounds might surprise many, but it’s the debate over his height and actual contest weight that truly captivates bodybuilding aficionados. While skepticism surrounds whether […]

Lee Haney
Lee Priest: The Incredible Hulk
In the year 2003, movie theaters were transformed into a battleground of green rage with the release of Ang Lee’s “Hulk.” While fans were engrossed in the spectacle of CGI muscle and fury, an intriguing […]

Frank Zane
Frank Zane in the Silver Surfer
Imagine this: It’s 1979, and Lee Kramer, a Hollywood producer and talent manager, has a dream so big it feels like it could redefine cinema. His vision? To create a groundbreaking rock opera based on […]
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