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Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com Director André De Toth was born in 1913 in what is now the Republic of Hungary. He started making movies in Hungary in 1939 and moved to Los Angeles in 1942 to […]
Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com Duel of the Titans aka Romulus and Remus is a Sergio Corbucci film starring Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott. Corbucci directed the original 1966 western Django which spawned over thirty westerns with […]
Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com “Goliath and the Barbarians” (1959), a film that might have been more appropriately titled “Emiliano and the Barbarians,” was an Italian production that ventured into the realm of sword and sandal cinema, […]
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