Vegan Gains vs Vegan Gains


VIDEO TRANSCRIPT (Watch Above Video)

Vegan Gains, by far the most mystifying arm measurements ever. What are these arm? 14″? 15? Possibly 16″ at max? And keep in mind, this is at 6’3″. Look at this photo. What are these, 13″ arms? 14? So, now Vegan Gains is training. Now, what are they? 15 1/2″? 16″? Now what are they? 18″? 18.5″? Vegan Gains has actually measured his arms at 18 1/2″ on another video. And, by the way, these gym shots were all on the same day. Probably in the same hour. His arms go from looking like they’re 15″ to over 18″ and he says that he’s measured them at 19″. But how many people’s arms go from looking 15″ to over 18″, possibly 19″, in the course of a workout?

Arms: Vegan Gains vs Arnold Schwarzenegger

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 839 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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