Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jimmy Caruso, and Joe Weider

Built Report Jimmy Caruso

Jurassic Gorilla

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(See Black and White image below)On the left, holding the light meter, is famed bodybuilding photographer Jimmy Caruso. In 1954, at the young age of 29, Caruso inaugurated Caruso Gym on Notre Dame St. in Montreal, embarking on a journey that would intertwine his life with the world of bodybuilding and physical fitness. His illustrious career included not only owning and operating the now-renamed Gym-Zone Decarie but also excelling as a bodybuilder, a trainer to champion boxers and bodybuilders, and a dedicated personal trainer.

Caruso’s fascination with the world of physique mastery began at the age of 14, sparked by a captivating image of Victor Nicoletti, a renowned Mr. America contender. His remarkable talent as a photographer earned him the 1966 IFBB Recognition Award, bestowing upon him the title of the “greatest physique photographer.” Caruso’s lens immortalized iconic figures in bodybuilding, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Larry Scott, and Sergio Oliva, gracing the pages of various publications, including Joe Weider‘s Muscle and Fitness. One of his most famous works, the series of photographs featuring Arnold against a striking black backdrop, was captured in the vibrant heart of New York City in 1975. The photo below provides a rare glimpse behind the scenes of this photographic masterpiece.

Jimmy Caruso, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Joe Weider:

Arnold Schwarzenegger

 Jimmy Caruso’s inspiration Victor Nicoletti.

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 831 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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