Ken Waller in Kill the Golden Goose


Behold the enigmatic drama that unfolds when Ken Waller graces the screen as Wolfe in the year 1979, in the cinematic curiosity known as “Kill the Golden Goose.” In a mere blink of an eye, we bear witness to Waller’s transformation from an iron-clad behemoth, diligently sculpting his physique upon a balcony, to a chilling demise met with the most unexpected of implements — a fork. The brevity of this scene only adds to its haunting quality, a brief but unforgettable moment etched into the annals of film history.

But this peculiar cinematic venture doesn’t rest solely on Ken Waller’s broad shoulders. The star of “Goose,” Ed Parker, has garnered unflattering critiques, with some daring to claim he possesses “zero onscreen charisma.” Indeed, the film itself has not escaped harsh judgment, finding its place among the ranks of “the worst martial arts movie of all time.” Yet, it’s the remarkable theatrical prowess of Ken Waller that elevates the film’s fork scene to a work of art, transcending the movie’s other shortcomings.

Ken Waller’s performance is nothing short of superlative, casting him as a devilish adversary for Ed Parker’s Mauna Loa. Towering and imposing, he exudes an unnervingly casual demeanor that underlines his character’s enigmatic nature. It’s as though the lines between the character Wolfe and the actor Ken Waller blur and merge throughout Wolfe’s dramatic arc, creating a captivating and unforgettable experience.

While Ken Waller may have ostensibly purloined Mike Katz’s T-shirt in the iconic “Pumping Iron,” it is in “Kill the Golden Goose” that he truly shines as a scene-stealer extraordinaire. With an undeniable knack for seizing the spotlight and capturing the audience’s attention, Ken Waller’s performance in this lesser-known work cements his legacy as a master of his craft, a consummate performer whose talents transcend the confines of the silver screen.

In the shadowy world of intrigue and clandestine operations, Mauna Loa, portrayed by Ed Parker, serves as an enigmatic and lethal assassin. His mission, as dire as it is deadly, compels him to eliminate all the witnesses scheduled to testify before a U.S. Senate Subcommittee, plunging him headlong into the treacherous waters of political conspiracy. Opposing this formidable adversary is none other than Bong Soo Han, who assumes the role of LAPD Police Captain Han. This conflict, by its very nature, transcends the boundaries of the professional and becomes deeply personal, for Captain Han is married to Mauna Loa’s former lover. What ensues is a high-stakes battle that can only culminate in a brutal and unforgiving showdown.

For martial arts enthusiasts, this cinematic confrontation unveils a mesmerizing spectacle. It serves as a canvas upon which the timeless conflict between the two protagonists unfolds, a clash of styles that is nothing short of mesmerizing. Ed Parker’s innovative Kenpo, marked by fluid resistance and bone-crushing offenses, is pitted against Master Bong Soo Han’s globally renowned Korean traditional Hapkido. The stage is set for an exhibition of martial arts prowess, a symphony of motion and technique that showcases their respective skills.

Within this cinematic arena, the intricacies of combat are displayed with awe-inspiring clarity. Witness the art of long-range fighting, as opponents engage in a dance of strategy and deception, maneuvering for the perfect moment to strike. Linear plans of attack unfurl with precision and fluidity, as the combatants seek to gain the upper hand. Spinning kicks, both flamboyant and head-high, carve arcs of power through the air, leaving spectators in thrall to the martial prowess on display. Circular techniques add a dimension of finesse and calculated artistry to the battle, demonstrating the mastery of their respective disciplines.

In “Mauna Loa vs. Captain Han,” the lines between adversaries blur, and the boundary between personal and professional dissolves into a haze of martial intensity. The clash of titans, fueled by vendetta and duty, promises a conclusion as relentless and unforgiving as the battle itself. In this crucible of combat, Ed Parker and Bong Soo Han embark on a journey that will echo through the annals of martial arts cinema, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of all who bear witness to their extraordinary performance.

The Waller-Centric movie poster
About Yegor Khzokhlachev 821 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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