No sooner did we deliver Kill the Golden Goose “starring” Ken Waller, we are now presenting, in keeping with our gold theme, a scene with Frank Zane in 1981’s Solid Gold Murder aka Hart to Hart Season 2, Episode 14(scroll down to watch).
Zane plays Vince Nucona, a name possibly inspired by gym owner Joe Gold. Gironda, I mean Nucona, owns Nucona’s Body Center which, unlike Vince’s(of the Gironda variety), Gold’s, or World, is open 24/7. “The doors will never close”, high-school-math-teacher-turned-thespian Zane, as Nucona, boasts.
A highlight of the episode is a nighttime scene where Zane, known at the time for his Pabst Blue Ribbon clean-and-jerk weightlifting competition commercial, forced at gunpoint, overhead presses a 300 pound barbell which he tosses through a building’s window, a scene which no doubt inspired James Cameron to emulate in Terminator 2 when the T-1000 rides his cop motorcycle, also at night, through a similar window. Cameron, standing on the shoulders of giants like Frank Zane, is indebted to “The Chemist”, as Zane is known esoterically in elite bodybuilding circles. Keep scrolling to see Pabst commercial and the T2 scene reference.
Female Bodybuilder Susie Green, who, to her credit, would be considered a fitness model by today’s standards, gets a decent amount of screen time. Although Susie has fewer lines, judging from her overall presence, she seems more at ease in front of the camera than self-conscious Zane. According to IMDB, Hart to Hart appears to be her only acting credit. Also according to IMDB, Susie is a graphic and 3D artist for video game companies with several credits to her name.
Stacie Green Gallery

Mr. Olympia Frank Zane in Sold Gold Murder
Solid Gold Murder Gallery

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