Steve Reeves, Duel of the Titans, 1961

Built Report Duel of the Titans
Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott battle each other

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Duel of the Titans aka Romulus and Remus is a Sergio Corbucci film starring Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott. Corbucci directed the original 1966 western Django which spawned over thirty westerns with the word Django in their titles. Most people know that Steve Reeves played Hercules but Gordon Scott also played the character although he was primarily known for playing Tarzan in five movies from 1955 to 1960. Gordon Scott’s last film was Italian produced Top Secret, 1967, and Reeves‘ final movie was Italian western Long Ride From Hell, 1968.

Duel of the Titans is based on the legend of Romulus and Remus. Reeves and Scott play twin brothers raised by wolves who fight together against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and later duel each other to determine the true founder of Rome. Initially the producers wanted Reeves to play both roles but Reeves convinced them that it would be more effective having another actor play Remus and he suggested Scott. Wikipedia lists Duel of the Titans as the only movie ever made about Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome but Remo e Romolo – Storia di due figli di una lupa, 1976, appears to be an Italian comedy about the same subject.

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About Yegor Khzokhlachev 837 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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