What is Ronnie Coleman doing to his body?

ronnie coleman injuries

Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com

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The bottom line on Ronnie Coleman is that he naturally has so much serotonin or whatever brain chemical that gives you a positive attitude, makes you not depressed, makes you get on with your life, that he may be happier than most people despite:

I’m having my 6th surgery in 2 weeks. This will be my 3rd back surgery since 2007, I have both hips replaced and my neck fused at level 5,, 6, and 7. But y’all know there’s no quit in me.

-2015 Ronnie Coleman Instagram post

All that, and he’s happier than you are but it’s hard to figure out where he’s headed. Ronnie doesn’t seem to be about sculpting an aesthetic physique because the damage he continues to willingly inflict on his body isn’t making him look any more symmetrical or proportionate. He continues to lift heavy despite incurring some kind of elbow damage that puts 1982 Mr. Olympia Chris Dickerson’s distorted elbows to shame. Bodybuilding is supposed to make you look better than average, not create physical anomalies that stand out above the physique you are otherwise trying to sculpt.

ronnie elbow

Ronnie also has a hard time crossing the street but continues to do squats and farmer’s walk lunges using the heaviest weights he can. According to commenter “Carla Alessandrini” on Youtube:

“Will someone tell Ronnie he looks horrible? He is limping like a man in his 70’s. This is when taking things to the extreme backfires. Less food. Better form and lighter weight would have served him better in the long run.”

Fair enough, Carla, but Vince McMahon, Tom Selleck, Steve Martin, Goldie Hawn, Rod Stewart, Eric Clapton, George Lucas, Diana Ross, Gary Busey, Jerry Springer, Michael Douglas, Danny Devito, Geraldo Rivera, Robert Deniro, Barbara Streisand, Joe Biden, Joy Behar, Harrison Ford, Pete Rose, Bob Dylan. Chuck Norris, Patrick Stewart, Lily Tomlin, Tina Turner, Harvey Keitel, Pat Buchanan, Morgan Freeman, Jack Nicholson, Jane Fonda, Anthony Hopkins, Dustin Hoffman, George Takei, Warren Beatty, Robert Redford, Peter Fonda, and Raquel Welch are all in their 70s and probably walk as well as you. Carla needs to start hanging out with healthier 70 year olds but it would be fair to say that Ronnie’s mobility is impaired well beyond his age.

ronnie waist

Also, there’s the waistline issue. Should Mr. Olympia be sporting a 40 inch waist? He seems to be relatively lean but now has a wide barrel shaped waist. His current waist doesn’t even seem to be within his genetics. Coleman naturally has a waist structure that is narrow and should be around 30 inches.

Coleman looks happy. He can’t seem to suppress a smile at all times(except in the accompanying photos where he is grimacing mid-set during a workout). Maybe he knows what he’s doing.

Ronnie Coleman Surgery

Ronnie Coleman Gallery

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 820 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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