Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Cannonball Delts Workout

Built Report arnold schwarzenegger shoulder workout

Jurassic Gorilla

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Arnold Schwarzenegger delts

The fitness industry, especially during the era when Weider’s magazines like Muscle Builder and Power (later Muscle and Fitness) dominated the scene, was known for its dramatic and war-like descriptions of intense workouts. The use of vivid and sometimes hyperbolic language was a way to capture the spirit and enthusiasm of the bodybuilding culture. Phrases like “Blitz your Biceps,” “Blast your Back,” and “Declare war on Chest” were not only motivational but also created a sense of urgency and determination, motivating readers to push their limits in the gym.

The term “cannonball delts” is another example of this colorful language. It vividly describes the appearance of well-developed deltoid muscles, likening them to the rounded and powerful shape of cannonballs. This not only communicates the desired visual effect but also conveys the idea of strength and explosiveness associated with cannonballs.

Similarly, “delts like a bunch of bananas” also paints a vivid picture of shoulder muscles with impressive size and separation. The use of such descriptions was not just about aesthetics but also about emphasizing the achievement of well-rounded, full, and powerful shoulder development.

The Preacher’s Bench, a specialized piece of exercise equipment primarily employed for executing biceps curls, acquired its distinctive name because of its remarkable resemblance to a preacher delivering a sermon, leaning over a pulpit. This striking resemblance between the bench and a preacher at work led to the curls performed on it being affectionately known as “preacher’s curls.”

In addition to its original moniker as the Preacher’s Bench, some fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders also refer to this apparatus as the “Scott bench.” The alternate designation, “Scott Curls,” corresponds to the specific style of curls executed on this bench. These terms serve as a reverential homage to Larry Scott, an illustrious Mr. Olympia champion celebrated for his remarkable biceps development and his frequent utilization of the preacher’s bench in his rigorous bicep training routines. Larry Scott’s success and his integration of this bench into his training techniques have solidified its place in bodybuilding history and nomenclature.

Ironically, the “sissy squat” carries a different historical reference. Named in homage to King Sisyphus of Greek mythology, the exercise draws a connection to the punishment Sisyphus received in the underworld. Sisyphus was condemned to push a massive boulder up a mountain, a task that was never-ending and symbolized the futility of certain efforts. The “sissy squat” exercise is a variation of squats and is likely named humorously, as it may appear less intense compared to other squat variations, reflecting the tongue-in-cheek spirit of bodybuilding culture.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a legendary figure in the world of bodybuilding, also contributed to exercise nomenclature with “The Arnold Press.” This exercise was created by Schwarzenegger to target the anterior deltoids while overhead pressing. By rotating his palms to face his chin at the bottom of the movement, he found that he could achieve greater engagement and muscular development in this particular area. The exercise was named after him, adding a personal touch to the lexicon of bodybuilding exercises.

In the world of bodybuilding and fitness, language and terminology have always played a vital role in motivating, inspiring, and conveying the passion and dedication of those involved. The use of creative and sometimes theatrical descriptions and exercise names has been a way to celebrate the culture and achievements of this community.

The Arnold Press:

Start with two dumbbells under chin level(like the end position of a chin up) have your palms facing towards you.

Then press the dumbbells up and rotate your palms to face forward as you reach the full extension of the press(don’t fully lock out arms).

So, you’re doing a variation on dumbbell presses. You start at the bottom of the exercise with your palms facing towards you. You finish the rep with your palms facing away from you, arms over head, like a normal press. You’re rotating the hands throughout the exercise.

After the press, go back to starting position with palms towards you. Repeat to failure(until you can do no more).

Arnold’s Shoulder Routine

Arnold Press…… 4–5 sets of 8–10 reps

Standing Side Lateral……… 4–5 sets of 8–12 reps

Seated Rear Lateral……….. 4–5 sets of 8–12 reps

Cable Side Lateral………… 3–4 sets of 10–12 reps

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 823 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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