LFL Stands Against Hate

Jurassic Gorilla https://jurassicgorilla.com

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The Legends Football League (LFL) is an American women’s football league that is standing up for the 135 police officers that died in the line of duty in 2016 as well as standing against the over 30,000 non-police related shootings, not to mention other non-gun, non-police related violent acts  which occur every year in the US but don’t ignite the ire of anti-American groups within the United States anywhere remotely as close to their animosity towards men and women wearing police uniforms.

2022 EDIT: However, it’s getting harder to know who the good guys are anymore with so many in uniform blindly enforcing lockdown tyranny all over the world. Furthermore, when a Youtube channel deletes the video this post was commenting on and, years later, in response, we fumble to find another upload of the same video or some similar video, the usual outcome is a video like the one below which, while LFL related, has no direct relevance to the previous paragraph and what this post was originally about. Enjoy it anyway, if you are so inclined.

About Yegor Khzokhlachev 834 Articles
Gorilla at Large

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