Arnold Calum Von Moger Morph
Calum Von Moger and Sergio Oliva Junior are playing Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva Senior in an upcoming movie entitled Bigger. A brief analysis of Junior vs Senior and then Arnold vs Von Moger. Gary […]
Calum Von Moger and Sergio Oliva Junior are playing Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sergio Oliva Senior in an upcoming movie entitled Bigger. A brief analysis of Junior vs Senior and then Arnold vs Von Moger. Gary […]
Given the large shoes to fill as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s double, would it have been easier for Calum Von Moger to emulate Schwarzenegger-sidekick Franco Columbu instead of Arnold? Below is an artist’s interpretation gif of Calum […]
Jurassic Gorilla Australian bodybuilder Calum Von Moger is cast as Arnold Schwarzenegger in director George Gallo’s Joe Weider biography Bigger. Sergio Oliva Junior will play Sergio Sr. Colton Haynes … Jack Lalanne Julianne Hough […]
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